Here are our SBUs and Main Events.
MIST is an international marketing conference, seminar, and training, that offers all necessary updates and insights from the marketing environment in the world. It is the biggest annual marketing event held by university students in Indonesia.

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Indonesia Capital Market Student Studies (ICMSS) is the biggest and the oldest annual international capital market event in Indonesia that is held by undergraduate students. ICMSS aims to empower the public, especially college students, in stepping into the world of capital market through its three main events

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Indonesia Marketing Competition (IMOTION) is the largest marketing competition held for undergraduate students that has been running for 13 years. IMOTION has two branches of competition, the Marketing Plan Competition and the Video Advertising Competition. In addition, IMOTION also organizes Marketing Talk for you who are interested in finding out more about the world of marketing from marketing expertise

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MANAGEMENT E[X]POSED is the largest program in entrepreneurship development for students which is held annually by the Management Student Society of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia (MSS FEB UI). This year, The 14th MANAGEMENT E[X]POSED has five main series of events namely the National Business Plan Competition; Talk show; Company Visit; Gala Night; and Lapak Loka.

PROMS (Project on the Moves) is the one and only social event that is annually held by MSS (Management Student Society). Since 2005, PROMS aims to give real contributions through raising awareness of issues in our society, both social and nature. PROMS can also be defined as “A Showcase of The Local Taste to Generate Social Impact”. Our programs are charity, local brand bazaar, and local music. This year's theme is "Spreading Kindness Through Creativity".